Joint RCOphth / ICO Meeting & RISI 2020
7 February 2020
Joint Royal College of Ophthalmologists / Irish College of Ophthalmologists Meeting
Venue: Bridge Lecture Theatre, David Keir Building, Queen’s University, Stanmillis Road, Belfast
Organisers: Miss Julie Silvestri & Professor Tunde Peto
Registration: Please visit this link
***Please note attendance online is also available. For those who wish to register please send your email address to
09.30 - 10.00 Registration and Coffee
10.00 - 10.05 Introduction - Miss Julie Silvestri
10.05 – 10.35 Dr Michael Williams
Cases: Medical Retina/Uveitis
10.35-11.05 Prof Colin E Willoughby
Cases: Glaucoma/Motility
11.05-11.35 Professor Stephen Kaye
Cases: Infections of the Ocular Surface
12.00-12.30 Prof David Keegan / Miss Julie Silvestri
Cases: Ophthalmic Genetics
12.30-13.15 Keynote Lecture
Professor Augusto Azura-Blanco
What has the NIHR done for us?
1315-14.00 LUNCH
RISI Meeting 2020 - Retinal Imaging Society of Ireland
Organiser: Mr David Keegan
Time: 14.00- 16.00
Chair: Professor David Keegan
Consultant only presentations
Case reports
Presentation of the Larry Yannuzzi's Retina Atlas Prize for best Trainee contribution
15.30 Refreshments